Best CBD Oil For Anxiety & 3 Ways to Use CBD for Anxiety, Pain & Sleep

You don’t have to live with anxiety, CBD is the perfect all-natural solution that will drastically improve your anxiety like it has for me. There are other life-changing uses for CBD too such as improved sleep and pain relief for tendinitis, new or old injuries, and sore muscles.

Anxiety can completely take over your life and prevent you from living your best life, but girl you don’t have to live with anxiety, CBD is the perfect all-natural solution that will drastically improve your anxiety like it has for me. There are oth…

My Experience with CBD

I discovered CBD oil when I was listening to the Angie Lee Show Podcast. Angie Lee has this energetic, carefree personality, so when she mentioned that she had dealt with anxiety for many years, I was actually kind of relieved. I mean not that I wish anxiety on anyone, but it made me feel like less of a fraud.

I’ve really struggled with anxiety for I’d say five years now. I mean I’ve always been an over-thinker about everything, but I’m talking like social anxiety that almost seemed to change my personality, my ability to communicate with people and my confidence to pursue new opportunities.

Most people would probably describe me as outgoing, and I’d like to think I’m kind of funny too, but at social events I was actually sweating like crazy, stumbling through every conversation and overthinking every word that came out of my mouth.

Afterward, I’d feel exhausted and completely drained. It made me feel kind of like a fraud.

Over the last year or so I’d say my social anxiety has turned down quite a few notches, due to my supportive husband and adopting a healthy lifestyle that just makes me feel better inside and out, but I’m still not the social butterfly I use to be back in college.

Anxiety can completely take over your life and prevent you from living your best life, but girl you don’t have to live with anxiety, CBD is the perfect all-natural solution that will drastically improve your anxiety like it has for me. There are oth…

Don’t get me wrong I definitely still struggled with anxiety, making up the worst case scenario for every situation, and being so overwhelmed with my to do list that instead, I pace around the house doing everything except the things I should be doing.

When Angie Lee mentioned that she had been using CBD oil to help with her anxiety and shortly after launched her own brand, Soul CBD I had to give it a try.

After a few weeks of using CBD I felt like I was overall much calmer, less stressed and able to handle my moments of anxiety much better without lashing out.

My sleep drastically improved too! Before I started using CBD I’d lay in bed for hours going over my to-do list in my head over and over to the point that I’d often times get out of bed to add more things to my list.

I had also developed TMJ and clenching my jaw so tightly throughout the night that I’d wake up with a sore jaw and intense headaches. I haven’t woken up with a sore jaw in over a year.

Once I knew CBD was going to be a staple in my daily routine I start testing out other brands and forms of CBD and now I have three types of CBD I use on a regular basis and have switched over to a brand called Sweat CBD. (You can use code MERMAID to get a discount as well)

The three ways to use CBD for Anxiety, Pain & Sleep

1. CBD Oil

I take a full dropper of Sweat CBD oil every morning. The oil isn’t something you will really notice a huge difference right after you take it, it’s benefits really become apparent when you take it consistently. If you take it everyday for 2 weeks and then you miss a day that’s when you’ll notice the difference.

I recommend Sweat CBD oil for just overall reduced anxiety, and noticeably improves sleep and overall health.

2. 1000mg Gummies

OK if you only try one thing, it has to be the Sweat CBD gummy Bears! There are two main reasons the gummies are my favorite…

  1. My daily struggle with anxiety is a lot of overthinking and honestly worrying myself sick about basically everything. If I’m have one of those moments/days where really overthinking and anxious having a gummy gives me noticeable release of that tension and a calmer mind.

  2. If I’m lacking motivation to workout I also pop a gummy. I think us ladies with anxiety don’t realize even when we are contemplating working out, going back and forth with “I’m going to workout, or maybe I should just skip it, ugh no I said I would, but I could just do it tomorrow” this is just our anxiety, and overthinking taking control once again… after having a Sweat CBD gummy my mind is calmer and I’m able to just workout without all the other overthinking holding me back!

Anxiety can completely take over your life and prevent you from living your best life, but girl you don’t have to live with anxiety, CBD is the perfect all-natural solution that will drastically improve your anxiety like it has for me. There are oth…

3. Hemp Salve Cream

If you have any aches and pains Sweat CBD hemp salve will be a game-changer! I have tendinitis in my wrist, which I went to therapy for, but with all the lifting I do in the gym it gets really stiff and sore pretty frequently, but when I rub it down with the hemp salve cream its instant relief.

It also does wonders on my lower back, which I herniated disk years and years ago so my back is always something I’m having to be careful with and all it takes is one wrong twist and my lower back feels like I’m 80 and the Hemp salve cream really helps ease that pain and recover faster!

Why is Sweat CBD the Best CBD Brand?

Sweat CBD was created by a health and wellness coach who struggled with years of her own anxiety but finally found her happy place in life through nutrition, exercise and CBD. Like myself, doctors wanted to treat her anxiety with prescription drugs and she refused to accept that and once she discovered CBD she realized this was the natural solution she’d been hoping to find her whole life. sooo she created Sweat CBD

  • Sweat is a full-spectrum CBD and is grown and manufactured in the USA by a trusted manufacturer.

  • Their product is 3rd party lab-tested showing its quality, purity, consistency, and potency.

  • Sweat CBD is organic and pesticide and artificial terpene free.

  • They work very closely with medical professionals to have comprehensive research and development conducted, as well as, in house chemist and a R&D team.

  • Sweat CBD has a strict policy that we uphold of having non GMO products and maintain a GMP facility and strictly follow food production guidelines

  • They utilize a CO2 extraction method that allows them to draw the CBD from the plant material and filter out unnatural substances, maximizing pure CBD concentration and potency

  • Unlike many other companies, Sweat CBD infuses their gummy bears instead of dipping or spraying them, to ensure that each bear is holding the advertised amount of CBD

Final Thoughts

Since using Sweat CBD I feel like myself again and able to thrive at life instead of feeling like a complete basket case. When stressful days or situations come up, I feel more in control of how I react, rather than being in a state of panic and paralyzing overwhelm.

Anxiety can completely take over your life and prevent you from living your best life, but girl fran you don’t have to live with anxiety and Sweat CBD is the perfect all-natural, completely legal solution that might drastically improve your anxiety like it has for me.

Head over to Sweat CBD’s website and check them out (You can use code MERMAID to get a discount as well)

If you have any more questions about my experience or Soul CBD, leave a comment!