The Fastest Way to Burn Stubborn Fat

At the beginning of my fitness journey I was desperately trying to figure out what cardio machines burned the most fat, what exercises burned the most belly fat.

If you want to burn fat faster without fat burning supplements or spending hours doing cardio, you need to know 2 things to get in your fat burning zone, and learn gym routines that help you lose belly fat. 

The Good News

Most people think the fastest way to burn fat is by doing cardio. That's why all of us ladies flock to the cardio section of the gym and run our little hearts out on the treadmill for 45 minutes.

However, distance running or spending hours on cardio equipment at the same steady pace is effective for building endurance and will burn fat, but it's not the fastest way to burn fat. 

Why should you do high-intensity interval training?

I’d like to introduce you to your new friend catecholamines. Catecholamine mobilizes fat for fuel, and to make a long explanation short, plays a primary role in the breakdown of that stubborn fat you can’t seem to kick.

The most effective type of exercise that produces Catecholamines is high-intensity interval training. The more intense the exercise, the more catecholamines are released.

Don't be a victim to the mind set that you need to ease into a workout routine. In most cases you get frustrated knowing that you've been slaving on that damn treadmill everyday and feel hopeless, because you aren't seeing the expected results, so you give up.

If your goal is to burn fat, but you're limited on time, start doing high-intensity interval training at least three times a week for the most effective fat burning in the shortest amount of time. 

  • Sprints

  • Strength training circuits

  • HIIT

  • Tabata

The After Burn effect

If eliminating 45 min runs on the treadmill wasn’t good enough news, high-intensity interval training also causes you to burn more calories even after your workout,

A.K.A The After Burn Effect. (In my manliest voice). Um, hello, hours after leaving the gym you're still burning calories...#winning! 

Let me break it down for ya'...If you do a 20-minute workout; 10 rounds of 30 second push followed by 90 seconds of rest (do body squats for 30 seconds, rest for 90) you will have a higher after burn effect compared to running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes.

After intense exercise, your body has to work twice as hard to replenish its oxygen stores than it does after steady-state exercise.

So, ladies, I know cardio and abs are supposed to be our thing but to burn that stubborn fat in the most effective and fastest way we need to be doing more high-intensity interval training.

So it's time to put your ponytail up and get a little sweaty!