The Easiest Way to Burn Belly Fat + A 5 Day Workout Plan [printable]

Most people think they have to do ab workouts to get a flat stomach, but crunches, leg lifts, and planks don’t burn belly fat.

In fact, you can get a flat stomach without ever doing another “Flat Tummy Workout” or “30 Day Ab Challenge”!

And no, I’m not about to tell you “abs are made in the kitchen.” Although that is something I’d usually say!

Yes, a combination of exercise and a healthy diet are necessary, but there’s more to it than that.

* This Post may contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I have personally used and love.

You Can't Pick Where the Fat Burns

The first thing you have to understand is you can’t spot reduce, or pick where you burn fat.

For example, if you’re like me and your trouble area is your arm fat that continues waving for five minutes after you already stopped... no, but seriously!

You can do tricep exercises all day every day, but that’s not going to get you toned sexy arms. 

We all have that problem area because that is where your body likes to store fat, so, unfortunately, not only is that the first place we gain it, but it will also be the last place it burns from.

In fact, if your stomach is your problem area and all you do is ab workouts the muscle under the fat will build and actually start to make your tummy look bigger. 

Start a Workout Plan That Actually Burns Fat

Only focusing on small muscle groups like arms or only doing ab workouts will not get you a flat stomach or toned arms and may even make the problem appear worse.

Stop obsessing over that one problem area, instead start a workout plan to train large muscle groups, such as:

  • Back

  • Legs

  • Chest

in addition to a smaller muscle group. (back and bis, Chest and tris, Legs and shoulders) And do more high-intensity interval training, that will turn your body into a fat burning machine and give you much quicker results.

I want to help you get to your after photo so I have already put together a 5 Day fat burning workout plan for you.

I'm here to help you reach your goals so if you are still struggling to get started or feeling stuck without the results you're looking for reach out to me, leave a comment below

and come join my facebook group The Ladies Locker Room for support from other ladies on the same fitness journey as you, recipes, workouts and more!